Lent 2022

We have lots of fun things happening this year: 

worship, ashes to go, Bible study, small groups, live music, and much more! 

We would love for you to join us as we hope to be a place that helps you to know God's love. 

Call us at 325.653.4523 or click HERE to email us to learn more.

Jason Gray - April 10th

We are thrilled to host Christian recording artist Jason Gray on Palm Sunday, Sunday, April 10th for a FREE community concert in The Backyard of Downtown San Angelo. 

Jason's music can be found on Spotify, K Love, Air One Radio, and is often played by the band during the 9:00 a.m. worship service.

Admission is FREE with a suggested donation of a canned good upon entry. Food trucks will be on site and no outside food or drinks will be permitted.